Important Updates – 15 May 2021

Dear BEFC,

As you may have already heard, our government has announced tighter restrictions to further reduce the risk of transmission in the community. To support these measures and to prioritize everyone’s well-being and safety, all BEFC activities and worship services will now be held online with immediate effect, and until further notice. This includes our 60th anniversary next Sunday as well as our AGM.

We will review this suspension of onsite worship services and activities after two weeks.

These changes will keep us distanced physically. But we encourage us to remain connected by being more intentional in reaching out to our families and friends through the blessings of technology.

I want us to know that our Board and Small Group leaders are all just one message or call away. And of course, you may also reach out to me at

Details on BEFC worship services and activities:


All Sunday services will be online via YouTube until further notice. Links will be forwarded to you. For Holy Communion on 6 June, please prepare your own elements at home. A review will be made two weeks later and we will update you promptly.


All pre-worship prayer will be conducted via Zoom. A link will be forwarded to you each week.

60th ANNIVERSARY & AGM (23 MAY 2021)

We will have a virtual 60th anniversary via live-streaming in YouTube. This is followed by our AGM via Zoom. The link to the AGM will be sent to you and more details will follow.


All meetings will be online. All groups are still highly encouraged to meet regularly. In-person gatherings are discouraged.


On-site classes are suspended. Please give the SS team some time and we will provide parents with the resources for Sunday School.


The planned retreat in June will be postponed until further notice.

Let us remain joyful and united, as our Philippians Sermon Series – Infectious Joy – has been reminding us each week. We look to our Lord for perseverance and hope. God is sovereign and in absolute control. And in Him, we place our trust.

Peace and grace,
Pastor Desmond
On behalf of the Church Re-Opening Plan Team (CROP Team)